Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Health and Wellness Programs
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+61 4 7788 0575
Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy is the most advanced form of training and rehabilitation in the world.
The variety of programs are outlined below for you to choose from so you may begin your ‘Optimum Living’ journey today. All programs are as much highly education and learning based as they are highly practical. Contact us to arrange a consultation.

Hear more about Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Treatment
- For complex disease and disorders
- For chronic conditions which limit quality of life
- For overall health and wellbeing
- For athletic rehabilitation and performance enhancement
Become the 'you' you have always wanted to be.
Sometimes we realise we need to get out of a rut and do something new that challenges us and adds more value and meaning to our lives. We also know we need good working tools and strategies to stay in the game of life in todays ‘bigger’ ‘stronger’ ‘faster’ world.
Regardless of what your personal goals, ambitions or needs are there are a wide range of programs to suit your personal and special requirements, ranging from programs to help you get on your journey to taking control and authority over your physical and emotional healthy destiny, through to optimum peak performance programs along with by far the most successful rehabilitation programs in the world today.
Explore our Health and Wellness Packages below!
Questions? Call us! +61 4 7788 0575

Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Discovery Package
For those simply wishing to discover what their true physical and emotional potential is and to have the Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy experience, the 30-day Discovery Package could be your solution.
The education and practice-based Discovery package lets you in on what is really required to optimise your physical/emotional health and wellbeing, and to optimise your performance at work and play.
- A Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Practitioner will set you on your way with a unique, highly successful Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy exercise program.
- You’ll learn the important connection between the effectiveness of the exercises and posture, physical and emotional control, and integrity, and how we perceive our environment predicts our physical and emotional make-up.
In just 30 days, feel and look great and be on your way to overcoming those niggling aches and pains with the Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Discovery Package.
Discover these new keys to discover your true potential!
Questions? Call us! +61 4 7788 0575.
Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Results Package
You will learn how you can train hard, even at an elite level and still be able to maintain control and composure. Whether your goals are to lose fat, shape up, tone and condition or manage those aches and pains, the Results Package has everything you need to be successful.
The Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy (NPT) 12-week Results Package is jam-packed with get up and go. It is a practical program that includes doing and learning. Designed for you to accomplish your short terms goals and objectives, it establishes the right conditions within your system so you can keep building on what you have accomplished and learned.
A qualified Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Practitioner will assess and guide you through your 12 week Results focused program. At the same time you will be educated on the importance of Posture, Physical and Emotional control and integrity and how our perception of our environment predicts our physical emotional make-up.
The Results Package truly leaves you in charge of your destiny with physical and emotional health and wellbeing. It is the optimum learning experience with lots of variety and dedication to controlling the arousal of stress in the midst of life’s challenges.
Questions? Call us! +61 4 7788 0575.
Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Platinum Lifestyle Package
The 12-month Platinum Lifestyle Package is the ultimate health and wellbeing program, having produced unprecedented results and benefits for thousands of people. This is the Health, Wellness and Performance Program that will really put you in charge of your physical and emotional health and wellness future for life.
The Premium Lifestyle Package includes:
- Unlimited usage of the facility and its features and equipment.
- Absolute personal one on one attention in the delivery, supervision, and monitoring of your uniquely detailed and variable exercise program by a qualified practising Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Practitioner.
- Free admission to regular health and wellness seminars.
- Nutrition advice.
- Monthly sit-down meets with your Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Practitioner outside of your program requirements.
- Access to specialized Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy education material relating to Your Posture, Emotions, Perception of Environment, Exercise, Aging and Eating.
Questions? Call us! +61 4 7788 0575.
Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Peak Performance Programs
Suitable for elite and competitive athletes and peak performance enthusiasts.
The first stage to optimum peak performance involves sensitively calibrating and tuning your psychophysical systems responses to the environment and to learn how to control arousal and maintain composure under extreme physical and mental stresses, as required by the demands of the sport you play and the level of intense competition and public performances. It is important that any restraints from lingering injuries are removed at this first phase stage also.
To accomplish this, efforts are focused on performing slow controlled and seamless resistance exercises on resistance exercise machines that enable accurate point to point psychophysical measurements to be taken or observed and correct any sensory perceptional errors that could potentially escalate into a bigger breakdown of the integrity of your psychophysical system, or bring about a reduction of performance potential and skills.
Once it has been agreed that you have acquired psychophysical ‘Multistability’ in this domain, you will then graduate to performance based programs whilst maintaining all of the psychophysical parameters you perfected during the first phase of your Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Peak Performance program. These programs are designed to push your system and maximize your peak performance levels.
However, you will advance significantly beyond your perceived best efforts, by refining your psychophysical system even further and more sincerely than you have ever imagined and from there you will experience levels of injury free peak performance that you never thought possible.
Questions? Call us! +61 4 7788 0575.
Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Anti-Ageing Programs
‘Ageing is that time of life when we become more fragile, less resilient, less robust and adaptable, less psychophysically softly assembled and psychophysically elastic.
For the same degree of psychophysical insult compared to a young person, a much ‘older’ (ageing) person is more likely to be injured, or emotionally overwhelmed. And for the same degree of challenge in the physical environment, the much older person is more likely to be injured simply navigating a physically challenging environment.
The ageing human being becomes more fragile over time, so to speak. Hence our learned and anticipated fear surrounding the effects of ageing prospers an ever expanding anti-ageing industry.
The anti-ageing industry is big business and there are many promises made by the marketers of programs and products that are never delivered.
Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Anti-Ageing Programs have earned an excellent reputation in terms of the delivery of remarkable results for those who engage in these programs.
Anti-mental and physical degeneration is a paramount focus along with the reversal of any degeneration that has compromised a person’s lifestyle and mobility. The Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Anti-Ageing Programs are sensitive to the increased physical and mental fragility that comes with ageing and therefor ease of entry into the exercise programs is intrinsic to the Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Anti- Ageing Programs.
These programs are individually tailored to suit your level of mobility and you’re physical and mental robustness. The goal is to first address any debilitating restraints you may have and then enhance and optimize mobility, strength, fitness and physical and mental robustness.
Increasing bone density and muscle mass work side by side and when you impose the right amount of stress upon your body, as prescribed in your program, you will be amazed at how rapidly bone and muscle density improves.
Enhanced mental alertness and ‘perkiness’ are ‘by products’ of the program. The Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Anti-Ageing Programs comes with a lot of education about your body and your brain to assist your motivation to keep up your program. You will be given maximum assistance while you are getting underway with your program and gradually you will learn how to be much more independent and able to make progress through your program with less supervision. Independence is something that we strive to maintain as we age and Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Anti-Ageing Programs afford the most reliable means of maintaining or gaining optimal independence.
Questions? Call us! +61 4 7788 0575.
Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Rehabilitation Programs
Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Sports Injuries Rehabilitation Programs are suitable for the young and ageing athlete and are tailored to suit individual needs and circumstances. These clientele will typically transition into a Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Peak Performance Program as they successful accomplish an injury free state.
Questions? Call us! +61 4 7788 0575.
Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy will significantly enhance psychophysical functionality in all circumstances. Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy has proven to be by far the most effective and successful form of therapy in the world for people with significant complete and incomplete spinal cord injuries. Since 2013, more and more international reports have been published in the international media, relating to the unprecedented successes that Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy has recorded, particularly in eliciting dramatic functional recoveries for patients with spinal cord injuries in very small time scales.
However, over the past 20 + years, there have been large numbers of patients who have significantly restored lost functions in very small time scales, who had presented with psychophysical functional restrictions causal of lesions within the CNS and peripheral nervous system (PNF) such as; Stroke, Epilepsy, Severe Brachial Plexus traumas, Parkinson Disease, Muscular Dystrophies, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Scleroses, Removed Tumor trauma, Acquired Brain injury and other Neurological Traumas sustained at birth & Functional Movement Disorders.
Other documented beneficiaries of Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy are those patients who presented with complex anxiety and pain disorders and mysterious disorders such as Fibromyalgia, CRPS, and Neuropathic pain. Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy has evolved to be the most effective and accomplished form of psychophysical cognitive therapy in the world today.
Each Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Rehabilitation Program is again tailored to suit individual needs, circumstances, mobility and functionality. They commonly involve 4 days of 2 hour intensive Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy, required to destabilize existing patterns of psychophysical behavior relative to the individuals pathological conditions and enable new desirable patterns of psychophysical behavior to emerge. The 4 day intensive Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy sessions are very successful in what they accomplish and this is followed up with a transition into an individually tailored Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Health and Wellness Program to keep the client on track and to become increasingly robust to pathological conditions.
There are numerous testimonials that relate to high order rehabilitation and sports injury habitation available on the Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Vimeo channel and YouTube.
Questions? Call us! +61 4 7788 0575.