We're Making News!

Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy features strongly as the mechanism behind individual success stories in internationally distributed, highly inspirational books, film, as well as featured in TV shows such as 60 minutes, Fox Sports and National 9 and 7 News.

7 NEWS: He was left a paraplegic in a helicopter crash, but pilot Alex Lawrie is getting closer to not only walking again, but returning to flying. Watch video.

7 NEWS: A documentary about a local health practitioner with controversial treatments has just won an international film award. Watch video.

CALIBRATE DOCUMENTARY: By studying the human system over the last thirty years, Ken Ware found an astounding link between Chaos Theory and the body’s ability to heal itself from catastrophic injury. Learn more about his award-winning documentary CALIBRATE.

7 NEWS: Life-changing therapy for man injured in Manchester terror attack. Watch video.

7 NEWS: 15-year-old Cameron Hudd travels from Wales for Ken Ware’s NeuroPhysics Therapy in Bonogin. Watch video.

7 NEWS:  Gold Coast’s ‘miracle man’ harnesses power of Ken Ware’s NeuroPhysics Therapy. Watch video.

7 NEWS: British boy born with two percent of brain now thriving. See article.


ITV REPORT: After being told he would never walk again closest casualty to Manchester Arena bomber regains movement in legs.(Image: ITV). See article.

ITV REPORT: Martin Hibbert speaks about his road to recovery after being told he would never be able to use his legs again. See article.

BBC NEWS: Cumbrian boy Noah Wall’s brain grows from 2% to 80%. See article.

SUNRISE NEWS: Miracle baby born with two percent of brain defies odds. See article.


7 NEWS: British boy born with two percent of brain now thriving. See article.

9 NEWS:  After suffering from a fall that almost killed her, Emma Henderson’s amazing progress at Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Institute was highlighted in the premier of Channel 9’s news series “This Time Next Year.”

Martin Hibbert, who lost the use of his legs in the Manchester Arena attack and pal Steve Cook, who lost his through a bike accident, have declared war on their spinal injuries through Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy (Image: Daily Mirror)

World champion athlete Jana Pittman embraces Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy.

Featured on Fox News, see how Ken Ware and Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy is changing the game for Australia’s leading athletes and assisting to enhance functional performance in spinal cord injured patients.

“Aussie doctors (NeuroPhysics Therapy) are helping a boy born with two per cent of his brain. His parents were told five times to abort him, but his brain’s grown to 80 per cent.” Read news story.
(Image: The Sun)

The groundbreaking news of John MacLean walking again resulting from Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy was shown on 60 minutes in the story “No Limits.”

Barney Miller was told he would never breathe independently or use his legs again. Instead, through sheer force of will, a dash of love, and Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy, he defied all odds to dance on his wedding day.

Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Research Presented at Scientific Conferences

The research to-date about the method and its results has been presented at International symposiums, conferences and published in renowned journals – impressing many in the scientific community with the unexpectedly wide range of clinical applications and their striking results.


Neurology Conference 2019 Paris, France

The 3rd International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorder, Paris, France June 24-26, 2019 Session presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorder; Perturbing and detraining fear and avoidance associated with pathological anxiety disorders in adults. Ken Ware gives the opening Keynote speech at the 3rd International Conference on Neurology and Brain

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Neurology Conference 2018 Rome, Italy

Neurology Conference 2018 Rome, Italy

Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy founder Ken Ware was selected to be on the scientific committee and gave a keynote presentation titled; “The significant outcomes and rationale of exploiting chaos in the Central Nervous System – to accelerate functional rejuvenation of the lesioned spinal cord” at ‘The International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorder, Rome, June 4-6 2018.

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Radio interview with Ken Ware, the founder of Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy.

In the latest episode of the ATP Project Matt interviews Ken Ware. They talk about, not only how to use Chaos theory to get people out of wheelchairs and mobile again, but also how he can make people that are feeling good, feel awesome. They also discuss how you can get out of survival mode and into thrive mode.

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