
Neurotrician Certificate

This program is your gateway to practicing in the specialised field of Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy. It is comprised of many topics studied within the Certificate’s two major parts: The Foundations and The Practice. Completion of this Certificate is the major requirement to become a Certified Practising Neurotrician.

Enrolment opens July 2019

Express your interest now

Student Learning Outcomes

Neurotricians deliver training and rehabilitation to a broad range of people.
  • those who simply want to improve and maintain health and fitness.
  • trained athletes wanting to recover from injury or to enhance performance potential.
  • those who have mild to moderate health and rehabilitation concerns of sleep issues, back pain, muscular or skeletal issues or injuries, chronic stress or anxiety, migraine, poor posture, concussions, and certain mild to moderate autoimmune diseases and disorders.

You will gain the knowledge required to serve these types of client needs through the combination of this Certificate’s self-paced independent online learning, practical training, and practice with clients.

Delivery Method

This Certificate is offered as self-paced online learning. The self-paced approach allows busy adult students to speed up, slow down, or “press pause” as desired or needed. This means students study each online module independently. Students can interact online with others who are studying the same module they are, and interact with the larger community of students in the virtual student lounge. Students follow online guidance for the learning activities comprising each module. Modules are introduced with audio orientations. All materials are supplied online. An instructor provides individualized feedback on all submitted assignments.

Learning Activities

Reading, writing, and sometimes active practice assignments comprise each module. At the end of each module are two online tests. The objective test is multiple-choice style, computer- scored with immediate test results. The qualitative test involves type-written responses to diverse questions, which range from practical, to analytical, to integrative (relating theory and practice). The final qualitative tests include the student’s self-evaluation of how well they believe they accomplished the module learning objectives. Feedback on each module is a required, non-graded assignment. Instructors provide student-centered feedback on all written assignments and tests. Minimum passing grades for each assignment are 80%, except as noted within some of the later modules (in The Practice) where a passing grade may be stipulated as 85-90% (of 100 possible points).

Completion Times

The Certificate is comprised of two major components: The Foundations and The Practice. Students may enroll in the full Certificate or in one course of study at a time. Self-paced completion times vary by student. For example, one may take between 3 to 5 months in Foundations, and between 7 to 10 months to complete the remaing modules (The Practice.1 ) These examples are not prescriptive: one may proceed faster or slower.

The length of the modules varies. A rough generalization of an estimated range of hours to complete modules in The Foundations component of the Certificate – excluding individual differences in notetaking habits and reading comprehension and thinking time – may be from a low of 15 hours to a high of 27 hours to complete a module successfully. Estimated hours to complete each step of a module are listed on the module’s home page in the online learning system. Modules in The Practice component of the Certificate tend to be longer than those in The Foundations.

1  Standard terms and conditions of enrollment in the full Certificate allow 18 months for completion and provide for extensions of time when warranted by circumstances.

Course of Study: The Foundations

Upon successfully completing The Foundations, you will be able to:

  1. Explain the roles of posture, emotion, and perceptions of the environment in producing health conditions.
  2. Recognize and describe dynamics in human system behaviors that maintain and change health status.
  3. Explain why Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy’s effectiveness comes from treating whole human systems rather than isolating “trouble spots.”
  4. Increase your personal and professional effectiveness through habits of self-awareness, observation, reflection, and action on dynamic human behaviors and health.
  5. Integrate this foundational learning with the learning activities comprising The Practice course of study in the Neurotrician Certificate.

Your accomplishment of these learning outcomes is developed progressively through the following modules that comprise the course of study.

Introduction to Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy

This module introduces the history of Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy discovered and developed by Ken Ware nearly 30 years ago, and introduces chief features that make this therapy so unique and effective in improving all kinds of health conditions. You will learn the nature and logic of the unique curriculum designed to teach those studying to become Neurotricians or Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Assistants. To introduce the therapy itself, the module includes videos of Ken explaining and demonstrating part of the beginning exercise program used in Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy. It then goes on to introduce the learning modules included in the training curriculum. It exposes you to the value and meaning of the learning to be gained through each of them. It includes practical application of the first pillar of health so students experience its benefits firsthand and can apply its value throughout the program and working with future clients. This introductory module orients you to the holistic approach to adult learning used throughout the Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Certificate programs.

This module promotes deep learning about why posture is the first pillar of health and how Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy uses that knowledge. You will learn why posture is about much more than just standing up straight, and why it directly impacts everything from emotions, to alertness, to disease and disorders. You will learn why the maintenance of good posture is essential for the proper functioning of the human nervous system and our physical and emotional integrity. You will learn how posture affects our perception of our environment, and be able to analyze posture-related connections with common experiences like lethargy, stress, joy, and depression. You will hone skills to observe postural impacts on yourself and others. Your learning from this module is foundational for learning Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy methods and helping people to optimize their physical and emotional health and well-being.

The study of emotion in this module is to understand what our complex experience of emotion really is and how it emerges in whole-body system depending on how we perceive and react to our environment. We examine what happens when something “goes wrong” and what the root causes were. You will learn the linkage between events, ways of interpreting events, and the physiology of our emotional states. This module teaches about the flow of information throughout the brain/body system so you learn the nature and origins of emotions from the physiological beginnings to the feelings, to the reactive behaviors. You will learn how to observe these dynamics and how and where control is possible. This module explains how Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy methods enable people to relate to their emotional system differently, with a sense of control over their reactions so the emotions do not have control over them.

This module introduces allostasis, which explains how our bodies achieve stability through change, including how they adapt to chronic stress. You will learn how our brain/body systems adapt and mal- adapt in our daily environments, and how our nervous systems conduct basic stress responses. The module introduces how addiction and autoimmune diseases and disorders evidence the stress of chronic allostatic load, and it introduces what Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy research showed about the amount of time it can take to recover from even brief stress events. You will practice observing and analyzing allostatic adjustments in your own experience. Finally, because Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy has successfully treated numerous people with autoimmune diseases and disorders for many years, you will connect this learning about allostasis with how Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy methods engage the person’s whole system to achieve healthy stability through transforming their systems’ customary responses to chronic stress.

Studying environment and the human system is a set of three challenging modules that build on learning from prior modules and support you to integrate a whole-system understanding of human experiences. It’s important to understand these holistically. This is because we must grasp how environments and human systems connect and communicate in order to grasp why Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy, delivered correctly, demonstrates whole-system benefits to everyone who uses its programs.

Environment and the Human System – 1 
This module teaches the interactive connections and communication processes between the human system and its various environments. It emphasizes the 24/7 role of our perceptions in determining how our physiological and emotional-cognitive systems understand and react to our inner and outer environments, including people and situations. You will practice systematic ways to think about and analyze how perceptions develop and how they affect our brain/body systems in healthy and unhealthy ways. You will be able to use this knowledge to consider its implications for the kinds of observational skills required of Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy therapists. This module lays important foundations to grasp why Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy, delivered correctly, demonstrates whole-system benefits to everyone who uses its programs.

Environment and the Human System – 2 
This module builds on the first module in Environment and the Human System to deepen your grasp of how Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy, delivered correctly, yields whole-system benefits to everyone who uses its programs. It teaches how our brain/body systems handle the massive amounts of information they are processing 24/7. It focuses on how our systems cope in healthy and unhealthy ways with modern life’s often-chronic state of internal and external sensory overload. You will learn how and why our systems treat the stimulus of incoming information in a variety of ways, some healthy and growthful, some unhealthy and protective. You will learn the implications of our systems having “speed limits” for integrating important information. You will learn how Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy addresses those issues as well as imbalances of left-right brain hemispheres that affect brain/body health, and how it treats both healthy and unhealthy forms of system robustness.

Environment and the Human System – 3 
This last in the series of three environment-focused modules focuses on the mindsets, or worldviews, toward “achieving” health and well-being, and some of the varieties of conventional as well as “popular” health-fostering methods available. Together, these comprise inner and outer environments involved when people consider how they wish to improve their health and well-being. The module teaches skills to critically identify distinctions among modalities and their relationship with science, evidence, and other arguments for their effectiveness. The purpose of the module for those studying Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy is to understand the larger therapeutic environment of which they are a part, as well as the questions their clients may have about Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy’s place in the therapeutic domain.

This module introduces you to a new lens for understanding the behavior of human systems. It teaches why Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy treats each client as a unique, whole system. It introduces general principles and patterns of living systems and their behaviors because these are foundations of Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy. You will be exposed to different types of living systems, what makes a system dynamic and adaptive, and the implications when we recognize ourselves as complex adaptive systems that experience chaotic processes as natural occurrences. It teaches how to recognize when you and others draw conclusions and choose behaviors based on simple or linear cause-effect thinking, without taking a systems-aware perspective. This module anchors students in ways to notice, reflect on, and work with such dynamics in themselves and clients – and why Neurotricians need those skills to be effective therapists.

This module combines attention to anatomy as the structure of the human body and to physiology’s explanations of how key structures function. The purpose of the module is to acquire an appreciation of the wholly integrated nature of the human brain/body system. To achieve that purpose, the areas chosen for focus are those most needed by those learning to become a Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Neurotrician. The nervous system gets particular emphasis. You will learn how different systems within the body communicate and interrelate when influencing a variety of behaviors and states of health. Areas introduced in this module are referenced and built upon in The Practice component of the Certificate.

This introduction to ageing and its often-related health conditions and disorders lays foundations to understand why positive expectations can replace common “foregone conclusions” about ageing. By learning about conditions associated with the ageing process, you will learn why progressive impairment in these mechanisms results in a reduced capacity to adapt to stress and reduced system complexity. We will examine the reasons for that kind of progressive loss, including the environmental influences of social contexts, all of which inform how we will work with ageing clients. You will learn why changes while ageing vary widely among people. This module’s learning prepares you for The Practice component of the Certificate to learn how Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy addresses the physiology of stress and ageing by increasing healthy system complexity to change common ageing conditions for the better.

This module introduces often-overlooked but influential factors in the use of food in different socio- cultural and emotional contexts. You will learn how these influences play roles in understanding how food is just another source of information entering our system. Such information tells a story of the outside world as well as the worlds each of us inherits from our historical background. You will learn how to critically assess widespread messages about diet. The module lays foundations for your subsequent learning and applying principles about food and eating during The Practice component of this Certificate. Through this introduction, you will learn and practice new ways to notice and observe your relationship to food, to use the information gained, and to assess how it made a difference to do so. You will internalize insights to support your knowledge and effectiveness when working with clients.

Course of Study: The Practice

Upon successfully completing The Practice, you will be able to:

  1. Apply knowledge of the nature and scope of Neurotrician practice to describe it, to screen and assess potential clients, to orient and set up new clients, and to seek consultation and re-assess when indicated.
  2. Use the Ken Ware NeuroPhysics therapeutic disposition to instruct, guide, and observe clients with vigilance in the proper use of exercise equipment, in their progress through programs, and when
    needing any correction or adjustments.
  3. Use Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy’s standardized treatment to facilitate clients’ systems to address the health and functional performance concerns within the Neurotrician’s scope of practice.
  4. Use evaluative feedback for continuous quality improvement in clinical skills and to plan ongoing professional development.
  5. Increase your personal and professional effectiveness through habits of self-awareness, observation, reflection, and action informed by Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy principles and practice.
  6. Represent Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy and its professional community with accuracy and excellence.

Your accomplishment of these learning outcomes builds on learning acquired in The Foundations and is developed progressively through the following modules that comprise the course of study.

Through a series of modular sections, in this mega module you will learn about and examine the value and meaning behind the exercises and and exercise programs in Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy. You will learn the importance of placing value and meaning on a movement and the effects of exercise without purpose. You will learn the rationale for each exercise and the specialized exercise prescription (the programs) and learn how you can use simple exercise equipment as a tool to both assess and support your client’s correction of emotional and physical states. You will be required to personally practice the exercises technique and to learn and appreciate the applicable value and meaning of each exercise, where you will begin to consistently work through the program based upon your acquired knowledge – pre your 4 day training and practical component with Ken Ware in Australia. During your 4 Day Practical Education, Ken will elaborate on the discrete delivery of the exercises and refine your techniques as required. You are expected to maintain consistency in working the Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy exercise program prescriptions, because every Neurotrician must “walk the talk.” In addition to the exercises and programs, another modular section teaches the physiology of stress, stretching, and ageing. After this Module is successfully completed and the complete fee for the entire Certificate has been paid, students are eligible to register for Training and Practice (below).

Three Advanced Eating modules follow the Exercises and Training Programs module described above. Their titles are Focus on Understanding, The Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Eating Plan, and Systemic Synthesis. These may be studied concurrently while the Training and Practice period of the program are pursued.

Prerequisites to register for the Training and Practice period are:

  • Successful completion of all modules through the Exercises and Training Programs
  • Any balance due on the complete fee for the entire Certificate must have been paid (applicable to those who enrolled using a payment plan)
  • The venue for the Practical Education with Ken Ware is on the Gold Coast, Qld, Australia.

Once students have met eligibility requirements, they register for and participate in one of the 4-day Neurotrician Practical Trainings that are scheduled periodically. Dates of the training sessions are announced in advance. After successful completion of that training, students recruit at least five (5) practicum-period clients to practice the skills of delivering the basic therapy using approved gym equipment. Various forms of assessments are conducted throughout this training and practice period. Client work during the practicum period requires various kinds of documentation, observation, and evaluation. The Training and Practice Module’s assessment includes criteria to document and evaluate one’s practice as a trainee. Students will be required to provide video of specified work and an evaluator doing certain real-time observations of the trainee (with clients’ written agreement) will be required. Students are responsible to cover any travel costs associated with the Training and Practice period because they are not covered by course fees.

This final module introduces practitioners to the Code of Ethics of the Association of Practising Neurotricians and Neurotricionists (APNN) so they can apply it in their work. The module develops understanding of the nature of ethics and the kinds of situations and dilemmas that require ethical choices. It draws upon the practicum work with clients to apply learning about ethics. The module emphasizes the roles of critical thinking, self-awareness, and sometimes conflict resolution in making ethical decisions about how to act. Finally, it exposes practitioners to the reason further education will be required to learn and use research ethics in Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy settings that conduct research with clients.

The Certificate’s capstone experience is a step by step process structured for students to apply and integrate their learning in writing. Steps include (a) critical reflection on their skills and understanding, as well as evaluative feedback received during their education, (b) identifying areas in which they need to increase skills and confidence, and (c) creating a professional development plan.

Once Students have successfully completed their studies, it is a requirement that to acquire & maintain recognised and advertised status as a Qualified Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapist, that they join the Association
of Practicing Neurotricians & Neurotricianists with an annual license fee applicable. This registration will give them extensive and ongoing support and assistance to ensure they have everything they require to maintain the high standard of skills and the ability to deliver outstanding results for their clients that has become synonomous with the Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Name. There is a responsibility as a Therapist to maintain the purity of the information unique to Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy to ensure the most exceptional outcomes are always achieved and the integrity and exceptional reputation of Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy remain intact.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything is done online except for in-person training and practice components at the last stage of a Certificate. There are no brick and mortar locations, so the programs are accessible from anywhere in the world with an internet connection and computer. The online learning uses a self-paced approach, which allows a student to speed up, slow down, or press pause as desired or needed. This means students study each module independently, online, and can interact online with students who happen to be studying the same module at the same time. Students follow the online guidance for the learning activities comprising each module. All materials are supplied online. An instructor or advisor is available to answer questions throughout the program.

Hardware: You must have a connection to the internet. Whether PC or Mac, the hardware best- suited for online learning is a desktop or laptop computer. You need a screen that can display the online software and you need a keyboard to type on. A tablet can be used as long as you can type on it, realizing the software will display things differently than on larger screen displays. At times, such differences may seem inconvenient or irritating. A phone cannot be used to access the online software, although emailed notices from the software can be viewed in your phone’s email display.
Software:  For your greatest efficiency, ease, and quality, you should have word processing software. For most assignments, your work can be typed into the learning program online. For some assignments in the later portions of the Neurotrician Certificate, some assignments need to be submitted in Word. We recommend using Word to draft all assignments because its spelling and grammar checking features are very helpful.

Yes. Because you can study at your own pace, you can gradually “get up to speed” for studying as you’re comfortable. Much of the material in learning modules is presented in a “conversational voice” that puts complex ideas in everyday language. Even so, the ideas and deeper information about them can become technical in certain modules, and going slower to digest and apply what you’re studying is necessary and expected!

Depending on the pace that’s maintained, students may take between 10 to 15 or more months to complete the Neurotrician Certificate (for example, between 3 to 5 months in Foundations, between 7 to 10 months in Practice). The shorter time ranges mentioned here presume the student was able to regularly dedicate between 5-10 hours weekly to studying. Many working adults may be able to dedicate fewer hours than that, and the length of time to complete a Certificate would vary accordingly. The maximum time normally permitted is 18 months for the Neurotrician or Neurotricionist Certificate.

Extensions of time may be granted when warranted by circumstances and can be applied for in writing.

It depends on you. Each module supplies estimated time ranges for each learning activity in its lessons and for each test. This information supports students’ planning and time management. Estimates of how much time you need depend on such key factors as those listed below. Please use these questions to consider the time-impacts from various angles that may be relevant to your situation.

  • Is your target date to complete the Certificate in less or more than 12 months? Less or more than 15 months?
  • How much control over your daily and weekly schedules do you normally have? For example, if you planned to study for 5 hours each week, how often would “other forces” in your life get in the way of studying all 5 hours, or even 1 or 2 hours?
  • Is English your native language? This is a factor when estimating the time needed to read and/or re-read materials, to comprehend, and to think about answers for multiple choice style questions as well as questions to answer in free-form writing.
  • What is your keyboard typing speed? Except for the multiple choice tests, all assignments you submit online require typing, including the final qualitative test. If you do not already touch-type, consider a free web-based training to learn it, e.g., The time you can save by having good keyboard typing skills is significant.

In fully-online Foundations portions of a Therapist-level Certificate, you are in full control of your online pace. Someone who regularly sets aside 5, 7, or 10 hours per week to study (absorb new information, think about it, and use it), and to complete end-of-module assessments might successfully complete The Foundations within 4-5 months (this is an estimate).

In The Practice portion of a Therapist-level Certificate, your work is both online and in practice, and more variables affect time management. Someone who regularly devotes one full day per week might successfully complete The Practice within 5-7 months (this is an estimate, and may be shorter or longer than what you need).

Instructors grade each of the student’s various learning activities assigned throughout a module. Tests at the end of modules are computer-graded for the objective multiple choice tests and instructor-graded for the written test. The Training and Practice Module’s assessment process includes those same elements as well as criteria to document and evaluate one’s practice as a trainee. Students will be required to provide video of specified work and an evaluator doing certain real-time observations of the trainee (with clients’ written agreement) will be required. Minimum mark for passing most modules is 80%, and for the last three modules it is 85% (of 100 possible).

Certified Practising Neurotricians use Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy to serve a wide range of the general population:

  • People who simply want to improve health, fitness, tone, strengthen & lose bodyfat.
  • Trained athletes wanting to recover from injury or to enhance their performance potential
  • Healthy older adults who want build / maintain balance, strength, and bone density
  • People who have health and rehabilitation concerns of sleep issues, back pain, muscular/skeletal issues/injuries, stress/anxiety, migraine, poor posture, scoliosis, concussions, autoimmune diseases and disorders, and other conditions such as those listed here.

“There is a long list of health issues treatable by this therapy. I don’t have any health or medical training. How could I learn to be a Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapist?”

The answer to this common question is that Ken Ware NeuroPhysics therapy is a uniquely natural, non- medicinal, non-manipulative, mild exercise therapy that enables the body – not the therapist – to “do the healing work.” This is why specialized health or medical knowledge is not required. The knowledge of therapy ensures the conditions for healing are first put in place by the therapist working with the client. The therapy initializes the body’s natural health and repair processes by applying knowledge of how the human nervous system communicates with the whole body, and by knowing how the body reacts to the surrounding environment. Such knowledge is what Neurotricians and Neurotricionists learn about. They learn why this therapy works without adding medicine or manipulating bodies: it is a holistic process.

Broadly, you will learn The Foundations and The Practice of Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy at the Neurotrician level. In other words, you will gain the knowledge required to serve client needs listed above. It provides the topics of study and the overall process from beginning The Foundations to completing The Practice and becoming a Certified Practising Neurotrician in this specialised field of Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy.

This proprietary education program enables you to follow our professional growth pathway into the levels of approval to serve the full list of mild to moderate client needs indicated above. Once Students have successfully completed their studies, it is a requirement that to acquire & maintain recognised and advertised status as a Qualified Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapist, that they join the Association of Practicing Neurotricians & Neurotricianists with an annual license fee applicable. You might begin as an independent licenced Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy therapist with a small business, using gym equipment owned by others, for example. You might work out of a location owned by someone else. You might open a home-based or a small Centre. You may become an assessor of student therapists. Please feel free to contact to explore your questions. Note that the Neurotrician Certificate is one of the pre-requisites to qualify to apply to enter the Practising Neurotricionist Certificate program.

Neurotricionists may work with medium or high-order conditions, depending on their qualifications and any specialised training. This level of expertise is intended for working with complex, high-order conditions, such as those resulting from serious injury, stroke, spinal cord injury, and others. For more information, please contact us on

Supported by

Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Founder & Director: Ken Ware

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