
Neurotricionist Certificate

Neurotricionists are qualified to serve those who have higher-level needs, such as conditions resulting from serious injury, stroke, spinal cord injury, and others.

Enrolment closed temporarily

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Student Learning Outcomes

Neurotricionists are first trained, certified, and practised as Neurotricians, before applying to enter the Neurotricionist certificate studies.

Once certified, Neurotricionists with interests to specialise in treatment, research into specific conditions, will have the option to pursue an additional level of specialisation.

Delivery Method

The Certificate is comprised of self-paced, independent online learning, followed by practical training and a period of practice with clients.

Assessments are integrated throughout the courses of study.

Two prerequisites must be met before applying to begin studies to become a Certified Neurotricionist.

  1. One has earned Certification as a Practising Neurotrician.
  2. One has worked long enough as a Neurotrician to have acquired meaningful experience working with a diverse range of clients delivering Neurotrician-level therapy.


The Neurotricionist Certificate program is not yet open for applications and enrollments. Please let us know if you wish more information – we’re eager to respond!

Supported by

Ken Ware NeuroPhysics Therapy Founder & Director: Ken Ware

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